We make these every Christmas when guests are arriving. It's generally a job that me and Dad do - while greeting people with a drink you can also be knocking...
Easy and elegant, this dish is a real catch. The use of the word "scampi" to mean a garlicky, buttery preparation for shrimp is more Italian-American than...
Very simple and ultra-delicious, these special baked potatoes will make a wonderful starter, side, or even a light main for all kinds of celebratory gatherings....
One pot, family-friendly, and under one hour? Sign us up for this flavorful recipe inspired by the Indian-American classic. This recipe can also be made...
The olive topping on our cod was inspired by tapenade; it includes olives, anchovies, capers, olive oil, and lemon juice. Use a ceramic or glass baking...
With simple ingredients, fish tacos are a light and easy meal. The creamy red-cabbage slaw can also be served on sandwiches or as a side for any Mexican...
Cobbled together from staples, this dish pays homage to tasty and thrifty Sicilian cuisine. Caramelized onions and anchovies marry sweet and salty, and...
For this delectable seafood dinner, Martha puts fresh swordfish steaks in a citrusy, herby marinade before cooking them under the broiler. For an extra...
Whole-roasting works well for any one-to-three-pound round fish such as snapper, perch, cod,Arctic char, bass, sea bream, and haddock. Add five to eight...
Keep a few staples in your pantry to make dinner on nights when you're not going to get to the grocery store.From the book "Mad Hungry," by Lucinda Scala...
Creamy parsley sauce -- here, over cod -- is an old English favorite. The herb is stirred in at the end, so it maintains its vibrant flavor and color....
The stuffing for these quahogs (hard-shell clams) includeschorizo, a spicy pork sausage, and gives a nod to a classicPortuguese dish, porco com ameijoas...
Poaching in olive oil gives fish a buttery texture. We flavor the oil with fennel, cherry tomatoes, and olives and use some of the poaching oil to finish...
This recipe for a tasty salmon dinner comes to us courtesy of Pierre Troisgros, one of only three French chefs whose restaurants have received three stars...
Mackerel is underappreciated but overwhelmingly delicious when it's fresh. Buy whole mackerel,then stuff it with sprigs ofthyme and slices of lemon,and...
Louisiana "barbecued" shrimp never touch an actual barbecue. Created at Pascal's Manale restaurant in New Orleans in 1954, the recipe has become a southern...
Oyster sauce, garlic, and ginger deliver big flavor to succulent sautéed shrimp in this speedy takeout-inspired supper. Roasted cashews and sliced celery...
Jazz up plain old tuna salad by rolling it up in a wrap. You can create a Waldorf or Classic tuna-salad variation by adding one of the combinations of...
This savory spaghetti squash casserole gets an umami boost from anchovies and Parmesan. The creamy sauce is surprisingly low in fat, so go ahead and have...